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A Guide to Catechesis for the Lutheran Catechumen and Family by Peter C. Bender


For every family.
For youth and adult catechumens.


- 24 lessons, each with a Bible story, a catechism section, and a section on the liturgy
- 204 catechism terms
- How to pray the catechism
- Quotations from Lutheran Service Book and Concordia: Book of Concord

Table of Contents for Catechumen edition
Foreword (especially about how this involves a change of thinking about catechesis and education)
Sample lesson
Sample terms


Available as a Kindle ebook

Lutheran Catechesis Catechumen Edition

  • Author: Peter C. Bender

    Publisher: Concordia Catechetical Academy

    Publication date: 2008

    Edition description: 2nd edition

    Pages: 380

    Product dimensions: 8½” by 11” paper

    Binding: Paperback

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