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In the Stead of Christ - A Scriptural Perspective on Women’s Ordination


Featuring:  John Pless, David Scaer, Rosie Adle, Peter Bender, Jakob Appel, and Joseph Randrianasolo


A 28-minute DVD in seven short segments, excellent for those who want an answer for those who promote women’s ordination. Easy to use for a topical Bible study and discussion.


The DVD covers:

  • Genesis 1:26-27
  • Ephesians 5:25-27
  • 1 Corinthians 14:34-37   
  • 1 Timothy 2-3
  • The Church as the bride of Christ
  • The order of creation
  • The office of the ministry as an extension of the apostolic office – “in the stead of Christ”
  • Ancient and recent history
  • The service of women in the Church

In the Stead of Christ

  • Format: DVD

    Length: 28 minutes

    Release date: 2008

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