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In Christ: The Collected Works of David P. Scaer
Volume II: Popular Articles


This volume features articles and essays that were previously published in various theological journals or presented at various conferences.  The chapter divisions are:

  • Christ and His Person
  • Christ and His Work
  • Christ and His Scriptures
  • Christ and His Church
  • Christ and His Ministers
  • Christ and His Divine Service
  • Christ and His Supper
  • Christ and His Baptism
  • Christ and His World
  • Christ and His Future


Also included is a bibliography of all Dr. Scaer’s writings from the beginning of his ministry until the publication of this book.


Table of Contents
Sample Article

In Christ Volume II

SKU: Scaer02
  • Author: David P. Scaer

    Publisher: Concordia Catechetical Academy

    Publication date: 2008

    Pages: 303

    Binding: Hardcover

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