In Christ: The Collected Works of David P. Scaer
Volume I: Sermons
Dr. Scaer is one of the most significant voices in confessional Lutheran theology and practice in our time. Like Luther, Dr Scaer’s theological and scholarly endeavors are motivated chiefly out of the pastoral concern for bringing Christ to the sinner and the sinner to Christ. It is fitting therefore, that our first volume be devoted entirely to sermons preached by Dr. Scaer over the course of 30 years. The 101 sermons included in this volume cover the span of the church year, including feast days and special occasions. The book is suitable for laymen and pastors.
In Christ Volume I
Author: David P. Scaer
Publisher: Concordia Catechetical Academy
Publication date: 2004
Pages: 456
Binding: Hardcover