Concordia Catechetical Academy
of Peace Lutheran Church—Sussex, Wisconsin

Series on Catechesis

See the list at Issues Etc, or check out the table below:

 9-4-2018     What Is Catechesis?  (See handout also.)
 9-19-2018    Jesus the Catechist
 9-24-2018    The What and Why of the Catechism
 9-26-2018    Creating a Culture of Catechesis in the Congregation   (See handout also.)
 10-1-2018    First Communion and Confirmation Rites (part 1)
 10-3-2018    First Communion and Confirmation Rites (part 2)
 10-8-2018    The Rich Man and Lazarus and the First Table of the Law
 10-16-2018    The First Commandment, the Three Men in the Fiery Furnace, and Jesus’ Temptation
 10-26-2018    The Second Commandment; Daniel in the Lions’ Den
 11-1-2018    The Third Commandment; Mary and Martha
 11-12-2018    The Divine Liturgy
 11-21-2018    Christ Fulfills the Law; The Second Table of the Law
 11-26-2018    The Fourth Commandment; The Boy Jesus in the Temple
 12-3-2018    The Fifth Commandment; The Murder of Abel 
 12-10-2018    The Sixth Commandment; Joseph’s Chastity
 12-17-2018    The Seventh Commandment; Abraham and Lot
 1-16-2019    The Eighth Commandment; Joseph and His Brothers
 1-24-2019    The Necessity of the Divine Service
 3-11-2019    The Rich Young Ruler
 3-18-2019    The Ninth Commandment; The Parable of the Rich Fool
 3-25-2019    The Tenth Commandment; David Covets Uriah’s Wife
 4-1-2019    The Close of the Commandments; The Crucifixion of Jesus
 4-8-2019    The Kyrie
 4-15-2019    The First Article of the Creed
 4-16-2019    The First Article of the Creed, continued
 5-1-2019    The First Article; Creation of Man and Marriage
 5-9-2019    The First Article; The Fall into Sin
 5-14-2019    The Creed in the Divine Service
 6-3-2019    The Second Article; The Annunciation and Incarnation of Our Lord
 6-10-2019    The Second Article; The Gloria in Excelsis
 7-1-2019    The Second Article; The Crucifixion
 7-8-2019    The Second Article; The Sanctus
 7-17-2019    The Second Article; The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus
 7-26-2019    The Agnus Dei
 8-5-2019    The Second Article; The Second Coming and the Judgment
 8-12-2019    The Third Article; The Holy Spirit’s Ministry of Love
 8-20-2019    The Third Article; The Holy Spirit’s Ministry of Love (part 2)
 8-26-2019    The Third Article; The Holy Spirit’s Ministry of Love (part 3)
 9-9-2019    Scripture in the Divine Service
 9-17-2019    The Third Article; The Day of Pentecost
 9-25-2019    The Rite of Ordination
 10-8-2019    The Lord’s Prayer
 10-23-2019    Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer, and the First Two Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer
 10-29-2019    The Faith of the Canaanite Woman, and the Third Petition of the Lord’s Prayer
 11-5-2019    Joseph Forgives His Brothers, and the Fourth & Fifth Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer
 11-19-2019    Jesus Calms the Storm, and the Sixth & Seventh Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer
 11-25-2019    The Lord’s Prayer, the Psalter, Canticles, & Hymns
 12-9-20149    Conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer, the Word “Amen,” and Receptive Spirituality
 12-17-2019    Baptism, and the Baptism of Jesus 
 12-18-2019    Baptism, and the Baptism of Jesus (continued) 
 1-8-2020    Baptism, and the Cleansing of Naaman
 1-9-2020    Baptism, and the Cleansing of Naaman (continued)
 1-15-2020    Baptism, and Jesus Blesses the Little Children
 1-28-2020    Baptism in the New Testament, and the Rite of Baptism 
 2-3-2020    Baptism in the New Testament, and the Rite of Baptism (continued)
 2-7-2020    Baptism, and Jesus Walking on the Water
 3-2-2020    Confession & Absolution, and the Parables of Luke 15
 3-9-2020    Confession & Absolution in the Liturgy of the Church
 3-16-2020    Confession, and David and the Prophet Nathan
 3-31-2020    Office of the Keys, and the Healing of the Paralytic
 4-9-2020    The Rite of Private Confession
 4-21-2020    The Sacrament of the Altar and the Passover
 4-27-2020    The Sacrament of the Altar and the Feeding of the 5000
 5-6-2020    The Sacrament of the Altar and the Emmaus Disciples
 5-12-2020    The Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper
 5-19-2020    The Lord’s Supper, Pastoral Care, and the Communion of the Sick & Homebound
 6-8-2020    The Lord’s Supper, Examination of Communicants, and Closed Communion
 6-16-2020    Christian Questions with Their Answers
 6-22-2020    The Table of Duties
 6-30-2020    A Culture of Catechesis
 7-6-2020    Listener Questions